
For the submission of full papers (8-10 pages of length) and presentations:

  1. Please download the respective templates including detailed instructions (for downloading the author's kit click here).
  2. Please follow the template instructions and elaborate your paper. Take your time.
  3. We aim to make the submission and publication of your paper as easy and free from errors as possible. Please submit your paper electronically as a single Microsoft Word file in order to easily putting all papers together for the proceedings. Please send us also the .pdf document of your paper in order to check the Word file for possible transfer damages.
  4. You will receive a confirmation for successfully submitted documents.
  5. You don't need to submit the presentation of your paper.

We will provide a feedback of each paper until February 28, 2017. In the case of adjustments we kindly ask you to provide the updated papers until March 15, 2017.

Submission form

What is the sum of 6 and 2?